Your first step to becoming the ZEUS of English ⚡️

Less than 2.5 EUR per day

Learn English with the best bilingual teachers on earth and personalize the lessons according to your needs

It's up to you to choose the slots that suit you using our calendar (FLEXIBLE)

Receive a certificate and a badge every time you jump from a level to another


Once per week

69.00 € / Month

  • 4 Hours per month
  • Flexible schedules
  • Vacation allowed
  • Certificates
  • Cancel anytime

Silver 👑

Twice per week

129.00 € / Month

  • 8 Hours per month
  • Flexible schedules
  • Vacation allowed
  • Certificates
  • Cancel anytime

Gold ⚡️

3 times per week

189.00 € / Month

  • 12 Hours per month
  • Flexible schedules
  • Vacation allowed
  • Certificates
  • Cancel anytime

Platinum ⚡️⚡️⚡️

4 times per week

229.00 € / Month

  • 16 Hours per month
  • Flexible schedules
  • Vacation allowed
  • Certificates
  • Cancel anytime


More than 16 hours per month? / More than 4 times per week?

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